Jill’s Chocolates has teamed up with many organizations with the simple goal of raising money for various causes. Do you or your organization have a cause? Let us help.

Treasures of Youth Fund
I often get asked, “Which chocolate is my favorite?” Well, in May of 2012, I launched a new chocolate with my grandfather in mind. He was a man who loved his sweets almost as much as he loved Cape Breton style fiddle playing. Combining these two passions, I created my Treasures of Youth Chocolate – and it’s now my new favorite.
I chose to make a seasalt caramel, as my grandfather was a lobster fisherman. I then had a fiddle tune silk screened in cocoa butter. The tune notes that appear on the top of the chocolates is from the march that had been written for him – Michael Anthony Maclean’s Birthday.
In 2011, The Nova Scotia Highland Village Society created Stóras na h-Òigridh (Treasures of Youth). This charity was founded in memory of my grandfather. The main goal of the fund is to ensure that cultural skills based on Gaelic traditions continue to flourish with our youth in Nova Scotia. The foundation is aiming to provide financial support and assistance to up-and-coming Nova Scotia youth between the ages of five and twenty-one, who are keen to advance their skills in the Gaelic tradition including: fiddle, pipes, piano, language, storytelling, song, and step dance.
The Treasures of Youth chocolates were created as a fundraiser for this great cause and as a way for me to honor my grandfather for the appreciation of music that he instilled in me.
Please contact me at if you are interested in purchasing, wholesaling or helping fundraise with our Treasures of Youth chocolates. A portion of all sales will go towards the Treasure of Youth charity. Also please visit www.treasuresofyouth.ca to learn more about the Treasures of Youth Fund.

Izaak the Easter Bunny & The IWK Health Centre
Ten year old Maryn Matheson loves chocolate, and as a former paediatric cancer patient, she loves the IWK. Recently, she came up with a really neat idea that makes a connection between two of her favourite things right in time for Easter. “When I was two, I had cancer and the IWK saved my life,” says Maryn. “I came up with the idea to sell chocolate bunnies to raise money for the IWK to say thanks and to help other kids get better.” With the help of her parents, Nick and Lori Matheson, her three younger siblings, and specialty chocolate shop Jill’s Chocolates, she has launched the Izaak the Easter Bunny fundraiser in support of the IWK Foundation. Izaak the Easter Bunny was lovingly named by Maryn, Isaac, Neve and Ronan Matheson. According to them, Izaak the Easter Bunny is proud to raise money for his namesake, the Izaak Walton Killam (IWK) Health Centre. Today, Maryn is a happy and healthy big sister. And, she is doing everything she can to make this fundraiser a success.
“We’ve love doing this with our kids, and we’re really proud of them all,” says Nick Matheson. “They are so young yet they understand they are making a difference for other kids, so they’re motivated to be quite the little sales people!”
In the three years during Easter since his inception, Izaak the Easter Bunny has helped raise over $12,000 for the IWK Health Centre